Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Raising Canes - 225 E. Palatine Rd. - PC#19-006
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action

1. Amendment to Planned Unit Development Ordinances #74-49 and #01-026.

2. Special Use Permit for a restaurant with a drive-through.


Variations Required

1. None




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on June 26, 2019 where Commissioner Dawson moved and Commissioner Green seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#19-006, an amendment to Ordinances #74-49 and #01-026 to allow for development of an outlot within the Town & Country shopping center, and a Special Use Permit for a restaurant with a drive-through. 


This recommendation shall be subject to the following conditions:


1. The petitioner shall comply with all Design Commission recommendations from June 25th, 2019.

2. The petitioner shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.  


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Cherwin, Dawson, Green, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Warskow, and Chair Ennes voted in favor.   Motion carried.

Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
PC Minutes 6/26/19Minutes
DC Minutes 6/25/19Minutes
DC Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
Business DescriptionCorrespondence
Written response to Special Use Justification CriteriaCorrespondence
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Construction Plans: Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations, Civil EngineeringExhibits
Parking SummaryExhibits
Traffic StudyExhibits
Market StudyExhibits
Department Comments - Round 1Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 1 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits