Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Substantial Amendments to 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan and Draft 2019 Annual Action Plan
Department: Planning & Community Development


The purpose of this public hearing is to receive final comments on the proposed Substantial Amendments to the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan and the draft 2019 Annual Action Plan. 

Substantial Amendments to 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan

Several substantial amendments have been proposed with regard to anticipated expenditures and numbers/types of beneficiaries served under certain programs over the 5-year period of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan. The pages of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan as they are proposed to be amended are attached. 

2019 Annual Action Plan

The 2019 Annual Action Plan states how the Village will address the community development needs of its low and moderate income residents during the program year (October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020) including how it will use its available CDBG funds. The draft 2019 Annual Action Plan is attached. Since the the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget, which is a part of the 2019 Annual Action Plan, has historically been of particular interest to members of the community, the draft CDBG budget is provided as a separate document for the convenience of the Village Board and the public. 

Public Comment

The proposed substantial amendments and draft 2019 Annual Action Plan was made available for a 30-day public comment period ending on Friday, July 12, 2019. As of the writing of this memorandum, a total of six verbal and written comments were received. Four of the public comment received concerned the draft 2019 Annual Action Plan and requested that the Village make a CDBG allocation to Northwest Compass for its Housing Counseling Program, which was not recommended by staff for several reasons including the limited amount of funds available for public service grants and HUD’s suggestion that the Village reduce its number of subrecipients. Additionally, a question was received from Global Executive Council Services and a thank you letter was received from Little City Foundation. If any additional public comments are received, the Village Board will be informed of those comments at the July 15, 2019 Village Board meeting.


If approved by the Village Board, the Village’s 2019 Annual Action Plan will be submitted by Cook County with the 2019 Annual Action Plans of the other municipal members of the Cook County HOME Consortium. HUD may take up to 45 days to review the Village’s 2019 Annual Action Plan. Upon approval, HUD will provide a Grant Agreement to the Village for its Federal fiscal year 2019 CDBG entitlement funds. 

Substantial Amendments to 2015-2019 Consolidated PlanExhibits
2019 Annual Action Plan Exhibits
2019 CDBG Draft BudgetExhibits