The Village has received requests from residents and the Library to evaluate the intersection of Dunton Avenue and St. James Street for additional traffic control.
The intersection currently operates as a 2-way stop; however, continued growth and development in the area has increased vehicular and pedestrian activity at this intersection.
Based upon a review of vehicle volumes, traffic accident crash reports, and other engineering factors, placement of 4-way stop control can be substantiated at this intersection. In accidents that occurred over the past 10 years, eastbound motorists were involved in 75% of those collisions. The parallel parking permitted along both sides of Dunton Avenue inhibits sight lines for motorists on St. James Street. For the past several years, movable in-street signage has been used by the Presbyterian Church to assist parishioners crossing the street, and also served to aid Library employees utilizing the lot at the southeast corner to cross the intersection. New all-way stop control will replace this in-street signage, which was continually damaged by vehicles and was the church’s responsibility to maintain.
It is recommended that An Ordinance Designating a Four-Way Stop Street at the intersection of Dunton Avenue and St. James Street, be approved.