The Village has been planning to replace certain brick sidewalk areas around the Downtown. With the numerous construction projects occurring this spring and summer on the south section of the Downtown area and on Northwest Highway, Staff has scheduled this 2019 Downtown Brick Replacement project for Fall 2019. In addition to the bricks needed for this project, bricks will also be needed for restoration as part of the Downtown sewer improvement projects currently under construction in the Downtown.
The bricks specified for the Village of Arlington Heights Downtown are a custom order that require approximately eight weeks to manufacture. Normally, the contractor is required to order the bricks. However, in this instance, taking into consideration the minimum order required for the Downtown Sewer Improvements, the Downtown Brick Replacement, and the time lag from when an order is placed to delivery, Public Works Staff concluded that it is in the best interests of the Village to place one order for bricks for both projects now. This will ensure that the Downtown brick replacement can begin in September and the Downtown sewer contractor can proceed with their repairs to the brick sidewalk.
For the Downtown Brick Replacement project, the paver brick bid specifications will be modified to note that the Village will provide the bricks. For the Downtown sewer project, the contract will be adjusted down accordingly as these bricks were originally to be provided by the contractor.
Unilock Chicago Inc. is the sole manufacturer of our custom brick. Unilock provided a quote of $33,842.34 for 8,594.91 square feet of brick, including delivery. Funds are available in the Downtown sewer project and the paver brick project allocation:
Funding summary:
Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST 0501) $29,114.34
Account No. 426-7101-571.50-25 (SW 1804) $4,728.00
Total purchase recommended: $33,842.34
It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bids and authorize the purchase of custom brick from the sole provider, Unilock Chicago, Inc. in the amount of $33,842.34.