Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance - Code Amendment - Chapters 14 and 28 - Day Care Homes
Department: Planning/Legal

The Village recently learned that the definition of Day Care Home in the Village Code was no longer consistent with the definition in the State Statute. As one of the requirements to get a license for a Day Care Home in the Village is proof of a State license, Staff felt that the local definition should mirror the State definition. Updating the definition requires an amendment to Chapter 14 and 28, since it is defined in both places. 


While looking at the definition in Chapter 28, Staff came across two scrivener's errors from when the extensive changes to Chapter 28 were recently done. One was a failure to change the letter "X" to "P" in the text describing the Permitted Use Tables, as we changed from "X" to "P" in the tables themselves. The second was the inadvertent omission of Day Care Homes as a permitted use in residential districts. As none of these changes to Chapter 28 are substantive changes, they did not need to be reviewed by the Plan Commission first.



It is recommended that the attached Ordinance Amending Chapters 14 and 28 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code be adopted.

Code Amendment - Chapters 14 and 28 - Day Care HomesOrdinance