Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution - Site Lease Agreement - T-Mobile
Department: Legal

One of the Village Board's Strategic Priorities for 2019 was the Evaluation and Pursuit of Cell Tower Leases on Village Property. As an initial site, the Village sought interest in the water tower located at 2000 S Arlington Heights Road (behind Fire Station 3). Ultimately, T-Mobile expressed interest in a lease at that location.


Attached for approval is a site lease between the Village and T-Mobile Central LLC for space for an antenna on the Village’s water tower at that location. T-Mobile will have an option period during which they will hold space on the water tower while they work on getting all approvals.  During that time, they will pay the Village $2,400 per year. The Option period is initially one year, with the ability for T-Mobile to renew for up to three successive one-year periods.


Once the lease term begins, T-Mobile will pay the Village $2,400 per month, including a $2,400 security deposit. The term of the Lease is five years, with options to renew for successive five-year periods. At each renewal, the rent will increase 105% from the prior term.


Public Works Staff reviewed the logistics for the antenna and are comfortable with the use of the water tower for this antenna.




It is recommended that the attached Resolution Approving a Site Lease Agreement with T-Mobile Central LLC be approved.

Site Lease Agreement - T-MobileResolution